Linking Finance with OPS, PUR and Sales
Integrated Business Planning and Optimizing of Profit
macs controlling software integrates all areas of your organization. macs provides a solution to each business challenge in your various disciplines within your organization. Together with management accountants / strategists our macs experts develop the relevant KPI's and design meaningful reports and dash boards respectively.
Cost and profit management using macs is possible across all business units. Below is an overview of all disciplines that macs supports based on more than 20-years of experience hence the competence in support.
- Management Accounting
- Business Management/ Other Senior Management
- Finance
- Sales
- Procurement
- Production / Service Departments
- Human Resources (HR)
- Marketing
- Research & Development
- Logistics and Shipping
Management Accounting goes Digital
In an organization management accounting has a pivotal role. Here all data and "business intelligence" come together and forms the basis for planning and optimizing of profit as well as what-if scenario planning. The macs solution provides data, analysis and evaluations to support good information-based strategic and operational decisions.
macs supports the following key tasks for example
- Budgeting and Forecasting (annually, quarterly, monthly rolling)
- Simulation, Scenario Planning and Sensitivity Analysis
- Liquidity Planning
- Plan, Target, Actual comparisons
- Creating meaningful KPI's
Please look at the macs modules with their functionalities.

Operations Management
macs supports managing of cost at all levels possible in an organization (cost center, department, business unit, etc) and supports "responsibility accounting".
Input (cost) and output (production volume and actual activities / times spent on products and services) are imported from the ERP system in order to generate flexed / dynamic budget (target) reports as a key budget performance report to monitor and manage productivity. This is essential for helping to improve the cost/performance ratio and supports a continuous improvement of process and enables attractive cost savings.
macs provides answer like
- Where are cost savings possible?
- What are the capacity requirements in the forecast?
- What measures have which effect?
- and many others
Best is to ask a macs expert and arrange for your free expert advice.

Financial Controlling
The macs Finance module serves for cash-flow planning as well as for consolidations of groups of companies with varying currencies.
- How can different accounting standards / charts of accounts be combined (local and international)?
- Which investments are planned and how does it work?
- and others.
Talk to one of the macs experts and find the best solution for your challenge.

Sales and Distribution Planning
macs supports the sales department in sales planning of volume and values. macs enables the evaluation of profitability of all conceivable scenarios/forecasts based on future changes (revised sales volume and selling prices, change in purchase prices, change or additions to trading terms or revised currency exchange rates, freight rates, etc.). This can be done top-down across all levels in the sales organization as well as bottom-up for any time frame. "Sales Dept being profit accountable is supported by a "analysis of change in profit" report which shows the effect of volume, selling price, manufacturing cost and sales mix change to the profit contribution margin in actual sales.
macs answers important questions such as
- What if the customers buying behavior changes?
- What are the consequences of currency fluctuations?
- How do changed pricing conditions effect profit?
- and more
To find out the answers to your most urgent questions, please book your personal free expert advice.

macs supports the purchasing department with information on material requirements based on the sales volume/production forecast . If necessary macs can also provide a replenishment schedules based on lead times given.
With macs software, you will find answers to questions like
- What is the impact of changes in raw material prices?
- What are the optimal production / BOM variants?
- How does the use of alternate materials effect contribution margin?
- Single-and multi-sourcing
- and others.
macs controlling experts will support you in your challenges. Please arrange your free expert advice.

Production and Services Organizations
Standard, actual as well as concurrent costings provide operations management with important information. macs provides actual vs target comparisons for materials (per job order, business unit, etc) and for overheads per cost center, department, plant and by account or groups of accounts in order to identify issues with productivity or incorrect BOMs. etc.
Manufacturing cost and variances against standards are calculated and settled to the product income statement.
- What are the cost estimates of a product or service?
- How do set-up cost effect product cost? macs caters for job size simulations!
- What is the impact of production volume variances ?
- What is the utilization of individual machines or work centers and labor?
- What are the raw material requirements?
- and others.
We can give you personalized advice by getting in touch with macs. Here you can plan your free expert advice.

Human Resources
macs supports HR departments in planning of personnel. In addition macs can cater for the evaluation of e.g.short-time working, savings potential due to productivity improvements etc .
Among other things, the following questions can be answered with macs software
- What impact are rising labour costs?
- Do you have sufficient human resources?
- Calculation of Headcounts and FTE's
- Outsourcing vs. permanent employment
- and others.
Are you having other queries? Then please register with macs and arrange your free expert advice.